Abdominoplasty scars (clinically known as tummy tuck scars) are unfortunate inconveniences of tummy tuck surgery. However, it is a significant inconvenience and a trade-off for getting that great flat tummy you’ve always wanted. The severity of these scars depends on the type of surgery performed, how it was completed, and the body’s natural ability to heal. Fortunately, there are some proactive steps you can take to hide and alleviate scar restoration. Continue reading to know more answers about tummy tuck faq.
Concealing Tummy-Tuck Scars
An abdominoplasty plastic surgery scar in the full abdominoplasty process will often be located from the hip to the cold abdominal region. These are the areas where incisions were made to remove excess fat and skin from the abdominal region. There is less scarring because the excess fat and skin have been removed from the abdominal region, and the area around the belly button is not cut. The scars from a full abdominoplasty will likely be noticeable and extensive, unlike the wounds from a partial abdominoplasty.
Preventing Scars Before Surgery
The degree of hardness of your tummy tuck scars will depend on the skill of your doctor. This is why it is essential to check out the profession of a prospective doctor. Have a detailed conversation with the surgeon and establish your expectations.
It would be best if you also asked to see photos of the surgeon’s previous work, paying attention to scars. Ask your doctor about the methods he plans to use; you can ask him to do a pull-up on the area where you plan to reduce. Start a daily food plan and a multivitamin with vitamin E at least two weeks before surgery. You can also massage the region daily with coconut or olive oil. The larger your skin is before surgery, the larger it will heal after surgery.