Having a designer handbag makes you have a special type of aura around you. It is also a way of making your wardrobe take a step ahead. However, these designer bags turn out to be damn expensive, and the prices keep rising every year. This makes people look for cheaper bargains that seem too good to be true. This has also raised the emergence of fake designer bags that make it very hard to differentiate them from the original bags. This is due to the fact that creating a replica of a designer bag has been made easy by the use of technology.
One needs to be extra careful when buying these designer bags. Here are tips that will help you in differentiating a fake designer bag from a genuine one. They will help you get the real deal as you go out shopping for the designer bags.
If one is not buying from a particular designer store for the bag, then this is a necessary step. One should find out as much information as possible about the bag they want to buy. One should head to the designer store to find out how the real bag feels like before setting out to buy it. One should find out how the bag looks like, where the logos are placed and every other detail that will be necessary.
Think twice about the very good deals
If the deal is too good think twice. This sounds cliché, but it applies here. There are some certain deals that will blow your mind if you intend on buying the designer bag. Even if it is second hand, you may get a bag that is so worn out which will not add any value to your wardrobe.
Check the bag’s hardware
One should be careful when checking things like the clasps, closures, and zippers. These parts are essential in determining a fake designer bag. To ensure you get a genuine bag, ensure the hardware has the same color. In addition to that, the zippers should close and open easily.
Check the seams and stitching
A designer bag does not have its seams glued. One should also carefully check the stitching to confirm it is ok. It should not be sloppy slanted or uneven. Also, note that the stitching is not supposed to be frayed.
Leather can’t be faked
Items made of leather should smell like leather. If they smell like rubber, chemicals or glue, then you are probably looking at a fake. Real leather is soft though dry. Fake leather turns out to be oily and even sticky.
Avoid online designer stores
This is especially if it is not run by the manufacturer. One will find that the manufacturer may have another store for the designer bags that did not sell hence may offer them at relatively low prices. One should be careful though since the online stores do not give one the privilege of having a feel of the bag before buying it. This makes it hard to distinguish the real one from the fake ones.